# Introduction:
Applications Manager is a comprehensive application monitoring
software used to monitor heterogeneous business
such as web applications, application servers, web servers,
databases, network services, systems, virtual systems, cloud
resources, etc. It provides remote business management to the
applications or resources in the network. It is a powerful tool for
system and network administrators, helping them monitor any number of
applications or services running in the network without much manual
Applications Manager offers out-of-the-box discovery, availability, health, performance and fault management, and reporting of multi--vendor applications.
Alarms are generated to notify the faults in the application and are configured to trigger actions, such as notifying the user through e-mail, SMS, trap, executing a command and invoking a MBean operation. Through alarms, you can identify the root cause of any problem in the network with just a few clicks. Additionally, the flexible architecture of the Applications Manager allows you to manage any application (J2EE or J2SE) that exposes management information via JMX or SNMP through custom applications.
# 1. How to install Applications Manager on Linux:
Step 1: Download the product for
then you get a file have name:
Step 2: Execute the downloaded
file. The Installation Wizard is displayed. Click Next to
continue. Read the license agreement and click Next.
Run the scripts: shell>
./ManageEngine_ApplicationsManager_11_linux.bin -console
Step 3: The next screen prompts
for the product edition (Free Edition, Professional Edition,
Enterprise Edition). Select the preferred edition to install. If
Professional - is selected, follow the below given steps.
Step 4: Select the language in
which you wish to install Applications Manager. The options are
English, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, French, German,
European Spanish, Korean, Hungarian and Traditional Chinese.
Step 5: Choose whether it is
trial or registered. If registered, the next screen will prompt you
to select the registered license file from your system.
Step 6: Specify the port at
which web server has to be started. By default, it is 9090.
This is the port at which you will connect the web client.
Step 7: Select the Database
back-end support - PostgreSQL (Bundled with the product.
No Setup required) or Microsoft SQL Server (version 2005 and
Step 8: If you select Microsoft
SQL Server, you need to select if it is based on SQL Authentication
or Windows Authentication. If it is based on SQL Authentication,
enter the Host Name, Port Number, Database Name, User Name, Password
of the SQL Server. If it is based on Windows Authentication, enter
the Host Name, Port Number, Database Name of the SQL Server and the
User Name , Password of the machine in which SQL Server is running.
Also provide minimum privileges required : The user account should be
the DB_Owner of the created Database.
Step 9: Provide the location
where the Applications Manager should be installed in your machine.
Click Next.
Step 10: Current Settings is
displayed in the next screen. If you need to make changes, click
Back, else click Next to continue installation.
Step 11: Click Finish to
complete the installation process.
Step 12: If you had selected
Free License, follow the steps from 4 to 9 .
Step 13: If you had selected
Enterprise Edition, choose if you want install applications
manager as Admin server or Managed server.
Step 14: If you had selected
Enterprise Edition - Admin Server, next you have to enter the
Admin server host name, Port number and SSL Port number.
Then follow the steps from 4 to 9.
Step 15: If you had selected
Enterprise Edition - Managed Server, enter the associated
Admin server Host name and SSL port number. If a proxy server is
needed to contact the admin server from the Managed Server machine,
click on the proxy server check box. In the next screen, enter the
Host name, Port number, User Name and Password of the proxy server.
Then follow steps from 4 to 9.
Step 16: You have an option to
fill up a registration form for Technical Support.
Step 17: Finally, select if you
want to view the ReadMe file or click Finish to launch
Applications Manager immediately.
# 2. Shutdown and Start Applications Manager on Linux:
# Shutdown:
[root@PTUDServer3 AppManager10]# cd
[root@PTUDServer3 AppManager10]# sh
shutdownApplicationsManager.sh -force
The Applications Manager on host
"localhost" was successfully shutdown
# Start:
[root@PTUDServer3 AppManager10]# nohup
sh startApplicationsManager.sh &
[2] 7844
[1] Exit 1 nohup sh
[root@PTUDServer3 AppManager10]# nohup:
ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'
# 3. How to Connect Mysql in Applications Manager:
Example 1:
/opt/ME/AppManager10/working/mysql/bin/mysql --port=13326
--socket=/opt/ME/AppManager10/working/mysql/mysql.sock -uroot -p
Example 2:
-uroot -p
# 4. How to connect the web client
Access on web browser:
# 5. How to Upgrade MySQL in Applications Manager to the latest version
* You can use your own MySQL Server, but you should have a separate database for Applications Manager. For example, you cannot give the same databasename for the both OpManager and Applications Manager.
* For using your MySQL, the MySQL should be running even before Applications Manager starts. If your MySQL stops, Applications Manager will shut down or data may be lost.
* You have to use MySQL version 5.X only for running Applications Manager and choose MyISAM as the default storage engine for your MySQL installation.
* Stop the Applications Manager server (if the product is already running) and then take backup of the below files & then proceed to make the changes.
* You have to copy the AppManagerHome\working\mysql\data\"AMDB" directory to your own \MySQLHome\data\ directory if you need to retain your existing data in the Applications Manager.
* When starting Applications Manager, you will get a warning message MySQL Port is used by some other Application. You can ignore this message.
Step for Windows,
By default Appmanager - C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\Appmanager
<Appmanager\conf\AMServer.properties> - Change <am.mysql.port> to the MySQL port number
(eg: <am.mysql.port=3306> )
<Appmanager\conf\AMServer.properties> - Change <am.mysqlport.check> to false
(eg: <am.mysqlport.check=false> )
- Change <jdbc:mysql://localhost:13326/AMDB> to
( eg:
<jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/AMDB> )<Appmanager\working\conf\MySQL\database_params.conf> - Change username & password fields as required
<Appmanager\working\bin\startMySQL.bat> - Comment the line starting with <mysqld-nt>
( eg: rem mysqld-nt .. )
<Appmanager\working\bin\stopMySQL.bat> - Comment the line starting with mysqladmin
(eg: rem mysqladmin .. )
Step for Linux,
By default Appmanager - /opt/ManageEngine/Appmanager
- Change <am.mysql.port> to
the MySQL port number
(eg: <am.mysql.port=3306> )<Appmanager/conf/AMServer.properties> - Change <am.mysqlport.check> to false
(<eg: am.mysqlport.check=false> )<Appmanager/working/conf/MySQL/database_params.conf> - Change <jdbc:mysql://localhost:13326/AMDB> to <jdbc:mysql://mysqlhost:mysqlport/databasename>
(eg: <am.mysql.port=3306> )<Appmanager/conf/AMServer.properties> - Change <am.mysqlport.check> to false
(<eg: am.mysqlport.check=false> )<Appmanager/working/conf/MySQL/database_params.conf> - Change <jdbc:mysql://localhost:13326/AMDB> to <jdbc:mysql://mysqlhost:mysqlport/databasename>
Change username & password fields as required
<Appmanager/startApplicationsManager.sh> - Comment the 3 lines
if [ $? != 51 ]
. $NMS_HOME/bin/stopMySQL.sh
using # in that file.
After executing the above steps, restart the server.
Sample Files :
url jdbc:mysql://appmanager:3306/AMDB AppModules TopoDB-MapDB-EventDB-alarmDB-PollDB-PolicyDB-USERSTORAGEDB-ApplnDB
username root AppModules TopoDB-MapDB-EventDB-alarmDB-PollDB-PolicyDB-USERSTORAGEDB-ApplnDB
#encryptedpassword eK6q1CJ9697s7O AppModules TopoDB-MapDB-EventDB-AlertDB-PollDB-PolicyDB-USERSTORAGEDB-ApplnDB
password appmanager AppModules TopoDB-MapDB-EventDB-AlertDB-PollDB-PolicyDB-USERSTORAGEDB-ApplnDB
* If your MySQL does not require a password to connect, the password line in <database_params.conf> should be commented as shown in the above example using the #.
* Otherwise instead of commenting the password line in the <database_params.conf> file, just replace the string 'appmanager' with the password of the your MySQL. Change the encryptedpassword to password and followed by your password of MySQL in the database_params.conf file, while starting it will be automatically encrypted.
* The user should have all the privileges on the AMDB database (Applications Manager database)
startMySQL.bat ( for windows )
rem mysqld-nt --defaults-file=%MYSQL_HOME%\my.ini -u root -b .. --standalone --port=13326
stopMySQL.bat ( for windows )
rem mysqladmin -pappmanager -u root --port=13326 shutdown
startApplicationsManager.sh ( for Linux )
# if [ $? != 51 ]; then
# . $NMS_HOME/bin/stopMySQL.sh
# fi
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